Monday, March 9, 2009

It all depends on which side of the longkang you're looking from ...

Take a look at this excerpt from Dr. Mahatir's blog in the Malaysia Today article here :

For 50 years no one seriously questioned the social contract. Even today the majority of Chinese and Indians and the indigenous Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak accept the social contract. But because Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi basically lost the 2008 election and now heads a weak Government the extremists and erstwhile detractors have questioned the social contract. The Bar Council has now become a political party believing that its expertise in law will exempt it from being questioned as to its credentials and its political objectives.

Then take a look at this excerpt here :

Malaysia Bar president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has been named among the eight recipients of this year's "International Women of Courage Award."

The award was established by the US Department of State.

According to the Press Office of the US Embassy here, Ambiga would receive the award from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington on Monday in conjunction with International Women's Day.

It said Ambiga was selected "for championing the rule of law and for advancing human rights, the status of women and religious tolerance in Malaysia.

"Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan has emerged as a strong voice for tolerance and justice, and has had a direct impact on judicial reform in Malaysia, contributing to strengthening of the role of women in civil society."

I don't know much about the political leanings of the Bar Council, but since the BN still manages to find lawyers to represent them, I'm guessing that there are still lawyers who believe the BN.

I just thought that it's interesting how different parties will view the same issue depending on where they are looking from.

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