Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Whither now, MCA ?

I was in a meeting when two colleagues of mine said that they had to go to a meeting on Thursday, with a view to challenge for the president's post. Turns out that they were referring to the MCA central committee meeting which will be held in 2 days time. The irony of it is that neither of them are MCA members, nor politicians or even Chinese for that matter.

Yes, it has come to this. While the knives are being unsheathed in the MCA, it's probably the jokes which reflect the sentiment of the Mandarin-medium educated Chinese. Like this one from a friend of mine :

It was during breakfast yesterday with one client, he quipped and told me candidly ...........now MCA (马来西亚华人公会) .......... translation, is now known as = Moh Wah Kung Wooi = Speechless Association.

Another quick witted client of mine quickly added in Moh Ngah Kung Wooi = Toothless Association.

How apt is the two new names given to MCA ................. God Save the Queen, God should also save MCA !!!

Maybe it's time for somebody to set up a new party, call it "Chinese Power!" and invite Najib to officiate at the opening ceremony.

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