Monday, December 13, 2010

Going out on a limb...

When I first started my interest in photography, I made a conscious effort to take and show photographs without any tweaking or enhancements, save for cropping. Maybe I just wanted to keep the photos 'pure' and more natural looking. Of course, this meant that I wouldn't be trying to make the photos more striking by tweaking for more vivid colours....

So when I took this photo with my handphone, I knew that I was taking it with the intention of tweaking the photo.

First of all, I was only interested in a particular portion of the photo. Using my hand phone meant that I couldn't zoom in to take that particular portion. Experience had taught me that the zoom on my hand phone tended to produce less than sharp photographs.

Secondly, the colours were not conducive to what I wanted to highlight in that photo; mainly, I liked the 'texture' of the branches. So, with a crop and an adjustment to the hue and saturation of the photo, and this is the result :


New Game Blogger said...

Did you use photoshop?

siao1 said...

No, just MS Office Picture Manager.