Friday, February 10, 2012

I Don't Care for 1Care

There are many things that this present BN government have done wrong. And there's a whole laundry list for previous BN governments for the past 30 years. Over the past few weeks, this present BN government has shown that it is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Firstly, to use EPF money to provide housing loans to retirees and people who do not have a reliable income. That's an invitation to defaulted housing loans if ever there was one. And they are funding that with my money !

Whether the money is lent to a government body or is guaranteed by a government body is irrelevant. After all, isn't government money just public funds which belong to the citizens ?

Secondly, mandatory salary deduction for the 1Care scheme.
I buy medical insurance. I'm healthy and can't remember the last time I visited a clinic. I can't remember the last time I took medical leave but I'm certain that it was over 5 years ago. The last time I went to a hospital for health reasons was eight years ago. Why should my salary be deducted to provide medical care for others who are not healthy ?

Especially when you consider that many of the diseases are self inflicted through smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, lack of dietary discipline and what not. Why should I be penalised for the excesses of others ? Isn't the fact that I pay taxes enough ? As far as the principle is concerned, it doesn't matter whether it's 10% or 1%. As far as money is concerned, it could take a big chunk out of my salary. And if I'm honest with myself, I believe that Malaysians could dispense with this scheme and provide adequate healthcare for all if we cut out the corruption which is ingrained into our current government and public service.

There is a saying "Better the devil you know". But if this BN government is the devil I know, then I'll take my chances on the devil I don't know.

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