Monday, August 13, 2012

Integrity, or Lack thereof ...

There was a time when I asked myself, 'Would I do anything for money ?'
The answer was pretty obviously No.

Then the question got a little more sophisticated. How much is my Integrity worth ? Quite a lot, back when I had the opportunity. Still, the price wasn't high enough at that time.

Why 'at that time' ?
I remember an ex-boss of mine telling me that he wouldn't trust himself with money . The way he reasoned it, honest people can resist the temptation of CBT when they can afford to; but what happens if they are desparately in need of the money ? Perhaps to pay for medical treatment for a very, very sick child ? Could that person walk away from the money and still look into the eyes of his sick child ? It was a stark illustration that he made some 15 years ago but I still remember it.

Why am I thinking about Integrity at this point in time ? After a year of listening to theories about what makes a good employee,

eg. ASK = Attitude, Skills, Knowledge

I've been asking myself why Integrity has never been mentioned. Maybe it just hasn't turned up in the management manuals ?

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