Saturday, January 1, 2011

I Want to Stay like This ...

There was a time when I was living alone - whether in a room or in an apartment - and I would feel ..... melancholy. "Depression" does not convey the right state of emotion, it was "Melancholy".

You might think that it was a bad thing, but it never really affected me in that way. The way I figured it, since I already feel "melancholy", might as well enjoy it while I'm there. After all, it didn't happen often, so I would milk the moment for what it was worth.

It usually meant that I would play a CD or two or three, and lie/sit/stand/walk around feeling "melancholy". There were a few songs and albums which were eminently suitable for moods like those and this one below was definitely a staple.

Now why would I be reminded of this ? Well, it's the New Year of 2011.

While many people are out celebrating and partying on New Year's eve, some others would be feeling blue. The realization that people are enjoying themselves in a crowd just makes feeling lonely an even more acute emotion. And ......... not everybody is going to react by simply playing a few songs.

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