Thursday, January 20, 2011

on Wakes and Funerals

As the years go by, inevitably I ended up going to a few wakes and funerals. Mostly, the people who had passed on were much loved by those who were closest to them and these occasions were usually sad, sombre affairs.

It was all right and proper, the way things were done. Not that I have anything against the way things are done - it helps assuage the grief of those closest to the deceased. And I feel that it's a totally respectable way of handling death.

But, it gets me thinking about how I would like my wake/funeral to be done. I'm more inclined towards a party celebrating life as opposed to the passing on of ME. Besides, being in Heaven with Jesus isn't exactly the worse place to be.

And apart from "Because He lives", Monty Python's "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" is one song that I would like to be sung at my wake/funeral. Just got to leave out the voice over bits at the end of the song which I don't believe in and is really just filler for the empty spaces there.

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