Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So our Myvi got Stolen

As you heard, our Myvi is gone. Poof ! Vanished in the dead of night, dissapeared in the light of day. I know not where it's gone and no, the police don't know either. For that matter, I'm not sure how much they care. It's just another statistic.

So this is what security in the Klang Valley has come to. Just another police report adding to another statistic. Yet another day in Paradise.

You know what ? We were barely surprised by the theft. Was it incredible apathy or a measure of our faith in the security around our area ? Theft and robberies are increasing, rapes and murders are headlined in the newspapers and where are the police ?

You're not supposed to blame them for this situation. They're understaffed and underpaid and anyway, they've got their hands full arresting bloggers. Talk about priorities.

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