Saturday, January 24, 2009

And So It Begins ...

Obama signing the executive order for the closing of Guantanamo detention camp within a year

"Obama orders Guantanamo, CIA detention sites closed"

That was the headline that caught my eye when I browsed the front page of The Sun yesterday - online of course, I rarely read newpapers on print nowadays - the article here.

Now, we could get into a discussion about how this will adversely affect security in America, or how it "will draw a close to a chapter of the Bush era that alienated allies and enraged enemies". In any case, Obama believes that it will make America's security stronger.

My point is that Obama has a starkly different approach compared to Bush when it comes to resolving issues. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, nor am I qualified to hold a discourse on this issue. I'm just saying that closing a detention camp that basically legalises torture (depends on how you define what constitutes torture) and allows for indefinite detention without trial is an approach that I'm more inclined to agree with.


And on his second day in office, too ........

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