Saturday, January 3, 2009

Job Fair in China

This photo was taken at a job fair in Zhengzhou, China. Just look at the sheer mass of people crowding the booths. As this photo was taken way back in November 2006 when China's economy was booming, can you imagine what it's like now when China's economy is suffering from the world wide downturn ?

Let's contrast that with the situation in Malaysia. I was supposed to have conducted three interviews last month to fill a vacancy but two of the candidates didn't turn up for the interview. If that wasn't bad enough, one of them didn't even bother to inform me that she wasn't going to turn up ! Other than the fact that she was wasting my time, I would consider it a matter of professional courtesy, or even plain good manners, if she had bothered to inform me via a phone call.

It bothers me because this behaviour is something that happens all too often in Malaysia. I'm not blaming Jobstreet for this as I believe that they've been good for the job market (for both employers and employees alike), but the flip side of it is that too many applicants find it too easy to apply for a job. Where once an applicant had to scour the newspapers and print a resume and fax/mail it, now they just click it. And if they don't feel like turning up for the interview, well, they haven't lost anything anyway. As for the interviewer/s who are left waiting around, well, they probably didn't cross the candidate's mind other than remembering not to answer any phone calls from unknown numbers.

And while we're on the topic, I don't understand the demand that the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)has been making all these years for a minimum wage. Oh, I understand the part where imposing a minimum wage on employers will raise the standard of living for the employees as they'll have more $$ to live on. But seriously, in a global economy where MNCs can just pack up in Malaysia and head for China or Vietnam or Indonesia or any other emerging economy where labour is X times cheaper than Malaysia, can we afford to have a minimum wage ?

Would the imposition of a minimum wage lead to a situation where employers/MNCs would rather not set up shop in Malaysia which, in turn, would lead to a situation where we have no wage at all ?

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