Sunday, February 22, 2009

Of Independents, Nude Photos, Cars and Cows ...

Do you get the feeling that Malaysia is a country in crisis ? While countries all over the world are dealing with the financial crisis, we in Malaysia just cannot get past the political crisis that started from 08.03.08. In that context, the financial crisis has been relegated to the background as far as our political leaders are concerned. Yes, while our politicians are fighting over the riches that is ship Malaysia, they don't seem to have noticed that the ship is sinking. Maybe they don't care that it's sinking.

The way I see it right now, and the way it's been for quite a while, is that Malaysia isn't really one unified country, but is instead a coalition of four distinct and interlocking states :

* urban Malaysia
* rural Malaysia i.e. the Malay heartland
* Sabah & Sarawak
* UMNO Nation

A cursory read of the news would suggest that some of the actions and comments of politicians are meant more for UMNO Nation than they are for the good of the nation, or honest opinions for that matter.

And while we're on this, doesn't it seem like the actions of the PDRM, MACC, A-G, et. al., favour the BN ? Well, at least it seems that way to me. Cases like the super fast-tracking of an UMNO lawyer to be Malaysia's Chief Justice only serve to reinforce the notion that many of Malaysia's instituitions have been compromised by UMNO.

I would like to think that the ramifications of all that's been going on will be reflected in the next General Elections, but I wonder if there will be an Opposition left to vote for. Or will they all be in jail ? Or independent but friendly to BN ? Or sleeping in the nude ? (I've done it before, haven't you ?)

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