Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I clicked on a link today and ended up at this blog : http://cookingismypassion.blogspot.com/

The thing about blogs, Youtube, Facebook and their ilk nowadays is how much they change the way we connect and communicate with others, sometimes even total strangers. Just take Barack Obama as an example - in time, he'll be known as the first American President to have used the internet effectively as a main strategy for his election campaign. And any study of his election campaign would show striking differences from other election campaigns in the use of the internet. Anyway, I'm not about to do a treatise on the social, political, business, etc. impact of blogs, Youtube, Facebook, etc. on society as a whole. That's best left to the 'experts'.

What I like about http://cookingismypassion.blogspot.com/ are the pictures of the blogger's culinary creations as per the samples shown below. And yes, they really are cakes.

And another thing about the internet. I checked 'treatise' through an online dictionary. Haven't used a print dictionary in years.

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